Eve Available For Mac

Eve Available For Mac Rating: 5,0/5 9494 reviews

If you are running Windows and haven't tried the new beta EVE Launcher, you can find it here. Please remember that the new EVE Launcher is in beta, and is not guaranteed to work perfectly. If you do encounter any issues, please remember to file a bug report to assist us with fixing the problem. Eve HomeKit accessory pricing. The Eve Light Strip costs $79.99, and the Eve Room 2 is $99.95. No price is available yet for the Eve Power Strip. All of these.

  1. Eve Available For Mac Os X

A new version of the Launcher is available. Today we have deployed the Mac version of the beta launcher. If you haven't heard about the new EVE Launcher before, check out. You can install the Mac version from here: The latest Windows version is found here: On Windows, the update has the following changes, fixes and additions:.

Eve Available For Mac Os X

Eve available for mac os

Title bar is now transparent. E menu has moved to the right side, with an arrow icon to indicate that it drops down a menu. Launcher now gets a unique icon the task bar. Note that existing shortcuts are not automatically updated. Known issues:.

Launcher does not work with AMD Crossfire setup. Norton Security may interfere with installation or updating of the launcher. Mac – Quit button on individual account lines does not work – simply close the client itself We are aware of the following frequently requested items:.

GUI - Checkbox for selecting accounts is not visually clear enough. GUI - Display portrait of characters near the account. GUI - Launch & Unlink account icons are too close together. Add confirmation dialogue to unlink. Regarding Mac version: I've downloaded it and on the first launch it prompted me with importing my old settings.

I agreed, but then the client was launched with the default settings. To get my old settings working I had to get to /Library/./cprogramfilesccpevetranquility and copy files from there to ctq87.237.38.200 folder preserving settings folders naming convetion (settins.) and then it worked ok. The settings files that were 'imported' and were in folder ctq87.237.38.200 had creation date as of approximately import time and their list didn't match my original settings files. Thus 'Import old settings' function doesn't work after all. I have an update / installing infinitie loop for any version. Requires me to reinstall whole client every time. The shared cache folder should not be placed under the folder where you install the launcher.

I'll need to add safeguards against this - thanks for pointing this out. Try reinstalling the launcher under C:/Games/EVE/Launcher, leaving the shared cache at C:/Games/EVE/sharedcache.

Plased folders as you said. Shall see if next launcher update will work. P.S.: Have to download all that resources again P.P.S.: Great job with this launcher, waiting for cloud settings storage. I get this on my macbook pro and my windows pc.

IMac 27' mid 2011 / 10.11.1 / 16gb ram. The mac of course has no repair.exe ^^ Please file a bug report, attaching logs from the launcher. You should find them at /Library/Application Support/CCP/EVE/Launcher. Mention my name in the description so it gets routed to me right away. Submitted EBR-52767 - hope it helps. Thanks, this is very helpful indeed.

You are getting corrupt files for some reason - this isn't properly handled and mostly not displayed to you, the player, as of yet. Try refreshing (under the view menu, that should retry downloading the file(s) that are missing. If that doesn't help, try shutting down the launcher and restarting. If that still doesn't help, bear with me and I'll post an update soon. I get this on my macbook pro and my windows pc. IMac 27' mid 2011 / 10.11.1 / 16gb ram. The mac of course has no repair.exe ^^ Please file a bug report, attaching logs from the launcher.

You should find them at /Library/Application Support/CCP/EVE/Launcher. Mention my name in the description so it gets routed to me right away. Submitted EBR-52767 - hope it helps. Thanks, this is very helpful indeed.

You are getting corrupt files for some reason - this isn't properly handled and mostly not displayed to you, the player, as of yet. Try refreshing (under the view menu, that should retry downloading the file(s) that are missing.

If that doesn't help, try shutting down the launcher and restarting. If that still doesn't help, bear with me and I'll post an update soon. Same exact issue here. Tried all suggestions, tried deleting my client and nothing works:( can't login.

At this year's Consumer Electronics Show, is adding to its HomeKit accessory lineup with two new Bluetooth HomeKit-enabled devices, which include an upgraded Eve Room and a new Eve Button. The second-generation Eve Room, a followup to the original, uses the latest sensor technology from Sensirion to track air quality, temperature, and humidity. Eve Room has a new aluminum enclosure, an update over the original plastic enclosure. A new e-ink display allows you to see the Eve Room measurements when a smartphone isn't available, and it now features a built-in battery that can be charged using any USB power source. Like the original, the updated Eve Room is able to determine indoor air quality by measuring volatile organic compounds (VOC), plus it tracks the humidity and temperature of an indoor room.

While the data can be read on the e-ink display, it's also available in the Eve app, Apple's dedicated Home app, and from Siri thanks to HomeKit integration. Eve Button, Elgato's first remote-style device, is designed to allow users to activate up to three HomeKit scenes without the need for a smartphone. Eve Button fits right in with the Eve lineup, with a sleek aluminum enclosure and a single button. A single press, a double press, and a long press are each able to trigger a different HomeKit scene. Comparatively, the Eve Button isn't offering as many physical buttons as some other options, but it is a simple, standalone device that's works with all other HomeKit products and is priced affordably at $49.95. Eve Room will be available in March of 2018 for $99.95, while Eve Button will be available starting later this month and from Apple Stores.

It's a shame that Elgato used to be a good company, but since they were bought out by the Chinese firm Geniatech, they're support has completely evaporated. I used to like everything Elgato did, and now I wouldn't buy any of it and trust it to work one day past the warranty coverage. You are confusing Geniatech’s acquisition of EyeTV with the entire company of Elgato.

As you can see, Geniatech only acquired EyeTV and related product lines from Elgato. Other products like Eve are not affected and are still maintained by Elgato itself, which is independent from Geniatech. Yeah, I sure need to adjust my furnace and air conditioning at moments notice. A thermostat control in each room is really what's been missing from homes since the beginning. Not really the point in the sense of a 'Moments notice'.

As stated prior, It's the convenience of having access in the bedroom, basement, different levels where the user doesn't need or have their iPhone tethered to them. Perhaps for those who are disabled might have an appreciation for a product like this for reasons as such, which clearly this Product offers this advantage if someone wanted to utilize this. Aside from being dismissive, Just because you not see the utilization of multiple devices, doesn't mean someone else won't with their own investment with HomeKit. The new version of Eve Room does address the inconveniences of the first version, and I'm glad that it did. Having to look at the smartphone to check the status did reduce the usefulness somewhat, especially as HomeKit still lacks any notification options for air quality status changes.

Also, Eve Room is the most power-hungry of the battery-operated Eve devices, needing to replace three AA batteries every 3 months or so when other ones last 1 year or more on 2 AA or smaller batteries. But I'm still left to wonder how long the rechargeable battery lasts on the new one. I hope it does at least as well as the first version.

Also, the price hike ($80 - $100) is a little disappointing. Maybe I'll upgrade mine if it's on discount and has acceptable battery life.


As for the Eve Button. I suppose it's the first hub/bridge-less HomeKit button, which is good, I guess? I hope it's more stable than Logitech Pop. However, if you're already invested into Philips Hue, it could be better to just use the dimmer switch.

While it doesn't support multiple press or long press for HomeKit (works only within Hue ecosystem) it does have four buttons (one more action than Eve Button) and is half the price at $25.