Networking Strategies

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  1. Networking Strategies For Shy Professionals
  2. Networking Strategies For Entrepreneurs

Networking is a great way to make personal connections and build relationships with other nursing professionals “in the trenches” so that you can share tips and advice, lean on each other for support, and commiserate.

How do I network my way into a job in a different department, given that I am shy about talking to unknown people, need introductions, and after 8 years here know few people well? – Reader Question How to network when you’re shy is something I’m asked about all the time. Indeed, networking is critical and not just for moving laterally within your existing employer. Landing a job (especially ), being effective on the job, and getting a promotion all involve networking to a significant degree. People hire people. People collaborate with each other.

People make promotion (and termination) decisions. Of course, then, career success relies on your relationships with people – i.e., the strength of your network. However, you don’t need to be an extrovert, a master improviser, or the most popular person in the room to develop a strong network. Here are five networking strategies even the extremely, painfully shy professional can use: Start with where you already are. This shy reader knows a few people well, and she can start with those few. Are there people in that group who are active networkers?

Ask for their best tips. Attend an event with them to watch them in action. Meazura mez1000 drivers for mac. Can you confide in your group about your interest in a different department? Maybe they know people in the departments you’re considering, and they can make introductions. Maybe they know people who have made lateral moves, and they can introduce you to these people. Before assuming you need to meet more people, start with who you know. You don’t know who or what they know.

If you’re just starting to network, start with a list of friends, family and other supporters who may or may not be obviously connected to your professional goals. Start with rekindling and strengthening those connections. Networking is about meeting new people but also about maintaining relationships. With people you already know, you start from a friendly place and can practice the maintenance part of networking – prioritizing it into your daily schedule.

This includes taking lunch (if you normally skip it) or eating with others (if you normally lunch alone at your desk) or sending out keep-in-touch emails. Enlist your manager’s help (in the name of productivity). Once you’ve gotten more accustomed to networking on a regular basis, you can expand to meeting new people. In addition to asking for introductions from your existing friends, ask your manager for help. Even if your role doesn’t directly collaborate with people in other departments, something your department does overall impacts the other departments, and so it would be helpful for you to know more about other parts of the company. Of course, you also want to know about other departments to enhance your marketability, but your manager just needs to know about the potential productivity gains!


Meeting people in different departments is good professional development. If your manager is not supportive (or not a good networker), ask a former manager or a long-timer at the company who has a sense for who are the decision-makers and who are well-regarded.

If you’re taking the time and effort to build a network, you want to connect with the best. If the people recommended for you to meet are outside the company, that’s still helpful because they may give you insights that help your professional goals and they might know people in your company that you don’t. Make people come to you. A former colleague of mine calls this her “candy jar” strategy: she wants to get to know everyone in her large office but feels uncomfortable going up to people, so she puts a jar of candy on her desk to encourage people to come to her. You might also volunteer to organize the company offsite or take score at the company softball game. For a professional conference, you could volunteer to take registration at an event. In all of these examples, you set yourself up for a situation where people have to come to you.

For the shy reader angling for a lateral move, I advise looking for a cross-functional project to get on that requires you to be in contact with other departments. Even something as simple as consolidating reports across different functions will force you to visit the department to collect data or to troubleshoot any inaccuracies, and you can time these missives around lunch, after which you ask if they’ve already eaten and do they want to grab something for lunch? Make it a game. Assign yourself a mission, and track your points. This week, I will send out five emails to people at my last job. At this event, I will speak to three people I don’t know or anyone wearing a red accessory. This month, I will write down 10 networking activities (e.g., posting on LinkedIn, sending a keep-in-touch email, having lunch with someone instead of alone, etc), and I will pick one out of a hat and do that activity in the next 72 hours.

For our reader who wants a new department, the game might entail picking a different department out of a hat and finding some reason to walk over there – even just to say to the first person you see there, “I’ve been here eight years, and I have never walked over to IT before.” Any movement, however small, will help desensitize the anxiety around networking and may even start a conversation that carries itself. Use your passion.

Networking Strategies For Shy Professionals

Charisma will emerge when you speak up or otherwise take action on those issues about which you feel strongly – Robert Steven Kaplan. Kaplan is a leadership expert, professor and Senior Associate Dean at Harvard Business School, and this line from his new book, is about charisma, but could really be about networking ability, courage and energy. It is easier to network when you’re relating about something you care about. For intra-company networking this could mean finding a company cause – event, affinity group, sustainability effort – that you can rally around. In your daily life, this could mean skipping the professional association, where you would likely never attend the meetings or if you did attend just eat the cookies and leave without meeting anyone, and instead join a service project or take a class or do something that seems non-work related but adds to your network all the same. You want a diverse and supportive network, and personal interests make just as strong if not stronger connections than professional ones. Networking is not just about being able to work a crowded room of strangers.

Networking Strategies For Entrepreneurs

You can put in support structures like the candy on your desk or a game you create. You can rely on people you already know and activities you would already do anyway. For more career advice, join me in the upcoming webinar series, running September thru November. You can also find me on.